
What you can expect from me

What you can expect

People usually come into therapy at a point in their lives when their familiar ways of managing are no longer working. This could be marked by a relationship breaking down or a work situation in crisis. Or it may simply be a feeling that life has become meaningless, with any sense of direction lost. Many people feel that they are repeating patterns in their lives that are difficult to change, in spite of these patterns being destructive of important relationships.

Psychotherapy is a space for talking freely to another about the ways that life has become troubling. A regular time and place sets up a reliable environment for people to unravel their difficulties. Over time a relationship and a conversation develops which enables opportunities for thinking differently about oneself and one’s life. 

People usually come for an hour a week and sometimes more frequently. Psychotherapy can be long term or people can come just to resolve a short-term issue.   We have all acquired our familiar ways of being through long-term relationships with significant others. This means that unfolding ourselves in conversation with a therapist can take time.   

Consultations and fees

I usually suggest that someone interested in therapy comes along for an initial conversation. At the first meeting we will discuss the presenting issue and how we might work together. There is always space for questions and any concerns. Practicalities such as session times and frequency will also be discussed.

My full fee is £60, but I operate a sliding scale for those who need to negotiate the amount. This is discussed at the initial consultation.

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